An historic osteria from 1865 on the Unesco’s Hills

An historic osteria from 1865 on the Unesco's Hills

From 1865 to today a historic tavern on the Unesco Hills
A true cultural and historical point of reference that well represents the history of our territory since 1865. At that time they were called differently from today. First “reference points” then “branches” and finally “taverns”. “. To testify the longevity of this “favor of the past” the old photos hanging on the wall, at the back of the main room, furnished with simple care, clean and sober.

The first on the left portrays Pietro, the grandfather of Gino Gallina, the current manager, born in 1941. He is a man with a nineteenth-century style mustache, buttoned up in a splendid military uniform. To his left, Gino’s father, Giovanni, who managed it for 55 years. After the photos, an old but working clock marks the hours.

“Quande che tu mor cavon the orolojo and meton su la to foto … i me à fingers cusì” (When you die we will remove the watch and put up the photo, they told me so ‘) jokes the siora Beppa, the sprightly wife of the manager, a grit to sell, the smile always lit on those cheeks that give the sense of the home cook ready to serve a good glass of Cartizze, a platter of cold cuts with a bread that seems to have just come out of the oven or a good coffee.

“See that photo up there?” she says, pointing to a child with curls. He is my Gino at the age of seven “. He approaches and tenderly they huddle for a souvenir photo. They look like two little boys in love

If the “caseins” represent the backbone and history of the Conegliano-Valdobbiadene Hills and the entire territory, the taverns, the oldest ones, represent their soul. One case above all is the Osteria Gallina, in Santo Stefano di Valdobbiadene, undoubtedly the oldest, not only of the Hills promoted by Unesco, but of the entire Left Piave.

The vineyard has a thrilling slope and Beppa knows something about it: she lost her balance fourteen years ago during the harvest, rolling ruinously for tens of meters.

The Suem helicopter arrived. Not being able to land it was necessary to lower the doctor for first aid with the winch, a smoke bomb was also used to better indicate the position of the unfortunate lady who fractured a couple of vertebrae: “I went to hospital for ten days, then a slow convalescence and Little by little I got back on my feet “.

Another old photo testifies to the longevity of this place: it is the photo of the fiftieth wedding of Giovanni Gallina, father of Gino: “Before my father-in-law Giovanni there was his father and this brings us to the end of the nineteenth century. This tavern was here during the First and Second World Wars. Today we are still here, we try to hold on and move forward, even if the hardest battle is the one with the bureaucracy ”.

The heritage of humanity, the Unesco hills are represented by these people, by these hidden places to be discovered as in a treasure hunt or by rummaging in an old trunk in the attic. Venetian history, culture and tradition intertwine in a place like this and give life to a timeless poetry, to be preserved with jealous care because they represent our essence, our most genuine identity. Humanity..

Next to the local the precious vine. It has always remained the same ever since, testifying to the combination of hospitality, represented by the tavern with the kitchen, and the work of the vine which, thanks to this fruit of the earth, has made this territory famous in the world from which humanity truly exudes those who have lived and inhabited it for centuries.

The vineyard has a thrilling slope and Beppa knows something about it: fourteen years ago she lost her balance, during the harvest, rolling ruinously for tens of meters.

The Suem helicopter arrived. Not being able to land it was necessary to lower the doctor for first aid with the winch, a smoke bomb was also used to better indicate the position of the unfortunate lady who fractured a couple of vertebrae: “I went to hospital for ten days, then a slow convalescence and Little by little I got back on my feet “.

Standing like an old oak, standing like this ancient tavern that still gives the feeling of entering a world that belongs to the past, where the blue tablecloth with white hearts houses a cutting board with an antique scented soppressa. The inevitable Cartizze served in the “goths” by shadows and at the end a good coffee with “graspa”.

It is here that you have the sensation of reviewing as in an old film all the scenes of a past that belongs to us, which must not be canceled but must be protected as a historical heritage, as is done with vintage cars, which do not pay the stamp, so it should be for these local historians.

Standing like an old oak, standing like this ancient tavern that still gives the feeling of entering a world that belongs to the past, where the blue tablecloth with white hearts houses a cutting board with an anti-scented soppressa.

co. The inevitable Cartizze served in the “goths” by shadows and at the end a good coffee with “graspa”.

It is here that you have the sensation of reviewing as in an old film all the scenes of a past that belongs to us, which must not be canceled but must be protected as a historical heritage, as is done with vintage cars, which do not pay the stamp, so it should be for these local historians.

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