Island of the Dead along the Piave river in Moriago della Battaglia – Naturalistic-monumental itinerary

28 APRIL 2016
Island of the Dead along the Piave river in Moriago della Battaglia – Naturalistic-monumental itinerary
Naturalistic-monumental itinerary along the Piave river on the place where the offensive of the Battle of the Solstice began, which led to the end of the First World War.

Here thousands of very young soldiers sacrificed their lives, the nineteen-year-old Boys of 1999.

The visit itinerary develops in a ring and allows you to observe the salient points of the Island of the Dead: the Cippo degli Arditi, the small lake, the Church of the Madonna del Piave, the waters of the river.

A beautiful walk, very quiet and highly suggestive, between moving historical values ​​and interesting naturalistic aspects. Definitely fascinating is the bed of the Piave river with the long profile of the Montello just in front of it.

The Island of the Dead is certainly one of the most symbolic places in the Medio Piave area, a small area in the middle of the river between the northern side of Montello and the town of Moriago della Battaglia. The name refers to the macabre discovery, in the days following the battle, of thousands of lifeless bodies of Italian soldiers, dragged here by the current. Immediately this island became a place where the great sacrifice of these soldiers was celebrated in the last days of the war.

Difficulty: low, flat route
Journey time: about 1 hour and 30 minutes
Clothing: comfortable with sports shoes
Period: all year round

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