Also this year the Veneto Region in collaboration with the Veneto Gelato Association and Longarone Fiere Dolomiti returns to the MIG – International Artisan Gelato Exhibition. The event, now in its 61st edition, will take place from 28 November to 1 December 2021 in Longarone in the Belluno area where professionals from the sector will meet to discover all the news in the world of ice cream.
The Veneto Region will be present at the event in Pavilion D with its own 180sqm stand within which it will host the Venetian Gelato Makers who will offer the Made in Veneto Artisan Gelato for the occasion. The Region and the Association have in fact always aimed to keep alive the importance of a quality ice cream produced according to the traditional methods recognized by the ice cream industry with the use not only of natural and organic products linked to the territory, but especially of the agri-food excellence of Veneto. The result of these typical regional productions therefore represents a quality offer, which thanks to the Venetian ice cream makers are appreciated and known all over the world.
In line with this principle of originality, the ice cream makers, who adhere to the Veneto Artisan Gelato brand and who will be present in the regional stand, will propose new ice cream flavors within the latter, using the typical and peculiar productions of the Veneto. The ultimate goal is to enhance and promote, through ice cream, the tradition of the rich and diversified food and wine heritage and, consequently, the historical and environmental heritage and the originality of the Venetian culture.
After the inauguration on Sunday 28 November, on Monday 29 and Tuesday 30, 15 new flavors made by the gelato makers of the Veneto Gelato Association will be presented to the various operators in the sector: Renzo Ongaro, Stephan Buosi, Andrea Reato, Jacopo Braggion, Mauro Crivellaro and Vittorio Pasquetti. Great news therefore linked to the cold dessert and the territory, and it could not be otherwise given the active participation in the organization of Fausto Bortolot, co-founder of the Association and honorary President of the MIG.
The new ice cream flavors will be created thanks to the collaboration with the associations and consortia for the protection of typical and quality Veneto products that have supplied their products to the ice cream makers of the Veneto Artisan Gelato. Their representatives will be present at the stand of the Veneto Region to promote a Quality Gelato made with the excellence of regional products. Among these we recognize, for the wines the “Consortium for the Protection of Euganean Hills Wines” which offers the Fior D’Arancio DOCG Spumante and Passito and the “Consortium for the protection of the Friularo di Bagnoli DOCG wine; for cheeses, the “Consortium of Piave PDO Cheese” and the “Aprolav-Veneto Milk Producers Association” with Morlacco del Grappa; and again the “Consortium of Radicchio di Treviso PGI”. For the other traditional Venetian products, we distinguish the “Anguillara Veneta American Sweet Potato Association”; the “Proloco Mandorlato Cologna Veneta”; the Po Delta Pumpkin supplied by the Zecchin Silvestro Farm in Loreo (RO). Other productions of private farms in the area, such as sandbar honey, Caorle ricotta, lagoon blackberries, Feltrina walnut, Venetian focaccia, cherry liqueur, chestnut flour and chestnut compote.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the various restrictions imposed this year, access to the pavilion of the Veneto Region is reserved only for operators in the sector.