Venice 1600 – Births and Rebirths – Until March 25th
Exhibition VENETIA 1600 Births and rebirths From 4 September 2021 to 25 March 2022 Venice, Palazzo Ducale – Doge’s Apartment Scientific direction: Gabriella Belli Curated by: Robert Echols, Frederick Ilchman, Gabriele Matino and Andrea Bellieni The events of the Serenissima were marked by countless moments of crisis and ruptures, as well as many phases of regeneration and renewal. The history of Venice, in other words, is punctuated by multiple births and rebirths, concrete examples of how the city has always been able to face the challenges posed by the changing times. The exhibition VENETIA 1600. Births and rebirths scheduled for September 2021 at Palazzo Ducale, offers an unprecedented reading of the history of the Serenissima that identifies in the concept of birth and rebirth an innovative interpretative model of its past, to re-imagine a possible and optimistic future. To illustrate the salient moments of the history and identity of Venice, the exhibition will exhibit works by the greatest artists, architects and men of letters who worked in the lagoon over almost a millennium. The exhibition will include important paintings by Carpaccio, Titian, Veronese, Tiepolo, Canaletto, Guardi and many others, as well as a selection of miniatures, prints, drawings, fabrics, sculptures, ceramics, architectural models, glass and everyday objects. Particular attention will be given to some of the most representative monuments of the city, such as the Basilica of San Marco, the Doge’s Palace, the Rialto Bridge, the Fondaco dei Tedeschi, the churches of the Redentore and Santa Maria della Salute, the Gran Teatro la Fenice. and the Campanile di San Marco, up to and including the major museums and cultural institutions of contemporary Venice. In addition to the great masterpieces from Italian museums and private collections, the exhibition aims to enhance the inestimable historical, artistic and cultural heritage of Venetian museums, churches, libraries and archives, first of all that of the collections of the Civic Museums of Venice.
Villa Farsetti: The “Versailles of the Doges” near Venice
In Santa Maria di Sala, nestled in the