A rich cycle of concerts will accompany us to Holy Christmas and up to Epiphany in the notes that Reale Corte Armonica will make echo in the magical atmosphere of Asolo Cathedral.
Starting from 8 December, the most important choirs and orchestras will take turns to offer the faithful and music lovers an unforgettable repertoire: from soloists to the symphonic orchestra of the Steffani Conservatory of Castelfranco Veneto to the Venice Monteverdi Academy choir, from the Lorenzo da Ponte Orchestra to the Ensamble Figlie di Choro.
One of the events on the calendar stands out for its relevance, being dedicated to a great anniversary that involves our entire territory. Sunday 11 December will mark the 200th anniversary of Antonio Canova’s death with an exciting concert inspired by the Maestro’s Quaderni di Viaggio-1779/1780.
All concerts are free admission, and cannot be booked.
The calendar of concerts Natale ad Asolo e nella Pedemontana 2022/2023 XXXV edition has been curated by Conservatorio di Castelfranco Veneto, Venice Monteverdi Academy, Reale Corte Armonica and Orchestra da Ponte.
The event is sponsored by the Municipality of Asolo, the Province of Treviso and the Veneto Region.