Al Parco con mamma e papà’ (‘In the Park with Mum and Dad’) is back, the Environmental Education programme in the Belluno Dolomites National Park with guided hikes with lots of environmental education and sustainability ideas for children and families in many wonderful places in the Park.
For the summer, activities are proposed in many well-known and lesser-known places and trails in the Park, all with special and important features. You will discover the Valle del Mis with the splendid “Cadini del Brentòn”, a sequence of 15 deep cavities carved out by the waters of the Brentòn stream; the Val Canzoi with its natural biodiversity; the Val di Zoldo with woods rich in legends; the magic of the fossil canyon of the “Bus del Buson” and Monte Avena.
The park is characterised by its great variety of environments: from the riparian areas at the bottom of the valley to the high altitude rock faces, passing through broadleaf forests, coniferous forests, high altitude shrublands, grasslands and maceretos.
Participation in the activities is free of charge.
It is advisable to always call to make a reservation and to get all the information about the route.
Most of the itineraries are easy proposals for everyone: families with children, adults-seniors, people with disabilities or those who find it difficult to walk, and also for those who are lazy and like to visit special and beautiful places without making too much effort.
The Belluno Dolomites always reserve routes, discoveries and surprises for everyone!
For more informations: