Presentation of the Hausbrandt Foundation Trieste 1892 – Saturday 04/02

Saturday 4 February 2023, at the “Emanuele Da
Dalto” of the Tenuta Col Sandago in Susegana, the
official presentation of the Hausbrandt Trieste 1892 Foundation.

The Foundation, personally desired and promoted by its President Martino Zanetti, aims to promote humanistic studies with various initiatives and with the scientific collaboration of Italian and foreign academic and cultural institutions, including renowned French, German, Austrian, Spanish, Dutch, San Marino and Israeli research bodies.

Professor John Yeomans, emeritus professor in Neuroscience and President of the Mary Sidney Society, will speak online from the University of Toronto at the official presentation, with a speech on the theme “From Venice to Shakespeare”.

This is the first event in a full calendar of seminars, symposia and conferences that will take place from March 2023 under the direction of Dr Flavia Buzzetta (Laboratoires d’études sur les monothéismes, Paris).

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