An unforgettable “Classic” walk on Monte Grappa

An unforgettable "Classic" walk on Monte Grappa

An unforgettable “Classic” walk on Monte Grappa
Here is an excursion known to Grappa goers, relaxing and spectacular. It takes place on the ridge of the “Solaroli” (like Mount Solarol, or “Salaroli”, like Malga Salarol), a ridge that rises to more than 1600 meters in the massif, and is about 5 kilometers long in the section we propose.

We start from the Valle delle Mure, reachable by asphalted roads both from the Romano d’Ezzelino-Bassano side and from Pederobba-Tomba, or from Fietta, a hamlet of Paderno del Grappa. Leaving the car at the pond-drinking trough, it is better to go down slightly along the dirt road that passes by the “Cason del Sol” farmhouse.

Shortly after we could turn left into the woods with path 157, but if we want to run in our legs it is better to go down to Malga Domador, to the left of which we go up on an obvious cart track. This goes into a magnificent beech forest, with some hairpin bends (sometimes cemented) that quietly lead us to a meadow area at about 1400 meters high. Shortly after, the Malga Salarol appears, a real balcony, and from there a path continues along the south-east side up to the short climb to the Valderoa saddle. It is worthwhile to make a detour to the top of Mount Valderoa, in a quarter of an hour.

An important note: in this area, even in the summer, the formation of persistent fog is frequent due to the condensation of humid air at high altitude. These mists, which stagnate in particular on the southern side of the massif, could prevent the vision of the great views, so it is good to undertake the trip after making sure that the sky is open.

The most beautiful part of the excursion begins from the saddle of Valderoa, on the Solaroli ridge. Going up, you soon gain two hundred meters, to reach the top of the ridge. In season, the flowering is excellent and refreshes the spirit on the green meadows. The ridge at the top is often rocky, but it is always wide and generally allows those comfortable contemplative and restful stops on the grass that are the salt of all excursions. The landscape, if the air is clear, is boundless. And to the North-West, 1000 meters above us, we can observe the Val Stizzon that slopes down towards Seren, with its agglomerations of houses and its network of roads, under the heights of woods and pastures: geography lesson in the field .

Continuing on the ridge, we meet several peaks marked with crosses, in memory of a year of war (1917-18), in which the Italian troops held their position clashing with the armies of the Central Empires. Indeed, in the whole area, more than 90 years after those events, the paths of the trenches, the parapets, the caves, the wells (be careful not to end up in them!) Are still recognizable, testifying the dramatic situation of the fighters, so much so. that this part of the excursion is part of the so-called “Alta via degli Eroi”. So the place is of great historical value and also for this reason you have to walk with adequate slowness: there is a lot to observe, and many ideas for reflection.

The highest point of the ridge is at Colle dell’Orso, 1679 m, below which you can see the Scopel bivouac, former Murelon hut, renovated and inaugurated in 2003, which however is a bit difficult to reach due to the steepness of the slope. In the next section, following the ridge up to Monte Casonet, we must literally “jump” among the remains of the trenches. At the next saddle we find ourselves above the Valpore mountain hut (not to be confused with the “bottom” one, now home to the Aula Verde, equipped for the living room and study of the environment). The last part of the ride ends at the Croce di Lebi, not far from Cima Grappa. Here we go down to the left towards Pian de la Bala along an easy path, and with the road of the Valle delle Mure we return to the starting point.

The ring is complete. Of course, it is possible to make the trip longer, including Cima Grappa or the Secca Fountain (from the Valderoa saddle). But if we have indicated this smaller and easier itinerary (about 600 meters of ascent, four hours of actual walking) it is to better enjoy the part of the real ridge, without haste, to spend a different and unforgettable day.

The excursion can be done in any season, and even in summer, because the heat and the lack of shade are mitigated by the wind from the ridge. However, remember that there is no water on Grappa!

Cesare Biadene’s itinerary for

Cesare Biadene, hiker and mountaineer. Photo by Cesare Biadene and Solaroli

linked article: The Grappa between history, nature and excursions

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