“Borgo Vivo” is born, the new identity of Cison di Valmarino

Mayor Cristina Da Soller: “Our village has the opportunity to enhance the cultural, economic and social liveliness that distinguishes it, together with the naturalistic wealth it enjoys”.

The new visual identity of Cison di Valmarino was presented today at the Municipal Council Hall. The symbol chosen to represent “Borgo Vivo” is a heart, a simple and universal image that embodies the vitality of the community.

Borgo Vivo’ (www.cisonborgovivo.it), the project that promises to breathe new life into the Cison di Valmarino area and place it at the centre of an unprecedented economic and social renaissance, is born. Specifically, the objective is to encourage the presence of artisans throughout the year, as well as to enhance the services for inhabitants and visitors, increasing the attractiveness of the area also towards entrepreneurs and potential future residents.

The visual identity chosen for the village is a significant step forward in the construction of a strong common identity and a shared sense of belonging: ‘This is a fundamental aspect for the growth and development of all the places included in the municipality, each with its own resources and peculiarities,’ explained Cristina Da Soller. The wealth of Cison thus becomes an element of aggregation and cohesion to stimulate the economic and social revival of the village as a whole, aggregating and harmonising the interests of the individual realities’.

As announced, the symbol chosen to represent Cison di Valmarino is a heart: this is a choice to convey that simple and universal image that embodies the vitality of the entire community. A heart that tells the story of a small world born from the manual labour and passion of craftsmen. The image represents all the seven hamlets that make up the village: Tovena, San Boldo, Soller, Gai, Mura, Rolle and Cison di Valmarino, and symbolises the ability of each one to unite with the others as in a single heart beating in unison.

The ‘Borgo Vivo’ project is the result of a synergic collaboration with the Treviso-based communication agency Heads Group and represents the first step of an articulated strategic plan, aimed at redefining the choral identity of the borough in an integrated and distinctive manner. A project that will also include, in the coming months, a renewed storytelling of the territory and its itineraries, and its promotion through the creation of a new website as well as the optimisation of social channels.

The initiative is part of the strategic plan financed in the context of the ‘PNRR – Next Generation EU, Mission 1 Digitisation, Innovation, Competitiveness and Culture, Component 3 – Culture 4.0 (M1C3) Measure 2 ‘Regeneration of small cultural sites, cultural, religious and rural heritage’, Investment 2.1 – ‘Attractiveness of historic villages’, a set of actions and interventions aimed at promoting the regeneration, valorisation and management of the heritage of history, culture and craft traditions of small Italian villages.

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