Civil Protection Minister Nello Musumeci cut the ribbon at Longarone Fiere Dolomiti: “Hunters and fishermen are an indispensable guardian of the territories”.
“Hunters and fishermen represent an indispensable garrison of the territories. If the activity of hunting is a sacrosanct right, sanctioned by law, it must be safeguarded and protected, we cannot be ambiguous”. This was said by Civil Protection Minister Nello Musumeci, who this morning inaugurated at Longarone Fiere Dolomiti the 21st edition of ‘Hunting, Fishing, Nature’, the exhibition of products and services for hunting, fishing and outdoor activities.
The exhibition began yesterday with a technical conference on the control of wild species that cause damage to agriculture. And it will continue until tomorrow evening, with various in-depth discussions involving agricultural associations, the Veneto Region, the Province of Belluno, the hunting world and fishing basins, and even schools, on the topics of nature, climate change, wildlife, and the man-environment relationship. As early as today morning, the influx at the entrance was considerable.
The ribbon-cutting ceremony was attended by a large institutional delegation: in addition to Minister Musumeci, Senator Luca De Carlo, regional councillors Cristiano Corazzari (hunting and fishing) and Gianpaolo Bottacin (Civil Protection and soil conservation), mayor and provincial president Roberto Padrin, MEP Sergio Berlato, several regional councillors, mayors and local administrators.
“Today we touch upon the problems of the lack of wildlife management,” said Senator De Carlo. “In a nation that in a few decades will see very few people living in rural areas, less than 30 per cent, it is precisely the residents of the ‘highlands’ who represent the only safeguard for a mountain that is still maintained and cared for.
The theme of the importance of hunters and fishermen, as the categories that guard the environment of the highlands, was the focus of Councillor Corazzari’s speech: “This fair, ‘Hunting, Fishing, Nature’, is a great appointment not only for the thematic in-depth studies that are proposed at Longarone Fiere Dolomiti, but also to enhance the activity of hunters and fishermen, who represent that part of the community that has decided to commit itself to the territory and the community. Their role is irreplaceable, we are seeing it with the water crisis in which fishermen intervene to save the fish population in watercourses; we have seen it many times with the environmental activity that hunters carry out in the mountains as well as on the plains’.
Minister Musumeci also joined in the thanks for the hunting world. “Hunters must be allowed to carry out their activities, without the media harassment of the hunting world. We say a strong ‘no’ to poaching, but we recognise that the hunter is a guardian on the territory, he is the one who tends to maintain the balance between flora and fauna that we need. Are we talking about bears today? Courage is needed in the choices that must be responsible. The government is working to find the correct balance between the right of the heart and the right of reason’.
The minister, who in the morning had visited the Vajont sites on the 60th anniversary of the tragedy, also focused on the role of the fair in a complex territory that is still tied to the memory of the disaster. “I thank him for his words,” commented the president of Longarone Fiere Dolomiti, Michele Dal Farra. “The exhibition centre here was born four years before Vajont and has learnt the value of tenacity and resilience. Today this small district is growing, focusing on specificity, excellence, with companies and people building identity and enhancing the territory’.