Longarone: Horeca 2023 focuses attention on current events for companies looking for workers

At Longarone Fiere Dolomiti training and information on the tourism sector from 2 to 4 October. To follow, Dolomiti Show and the buyer-seller meeting at Villa Gaggia

Belluno, 25 September 2023 – Two hundred exhibitors, over two hundred brands. The best of the hotellerie-restaurant-café galaxy. This is Horeca 2023, the tourism industry appointment at Longarone Fiere Dolomiti. Where, in addition to specific focuses on the world of hotel hospitality, masterclasses dedicated to catering and cocktails, prizes and awards for the best cuisine venues, there will also be talk of work and labour. This is a very topical issue, which is common to all production sectors and which in the tourism sector often has to contend with a dangerous shortage of personnel.

“This is why Longarone Fiere Dolomiti, an instrument of the territory for the territory, has decided to devote special attention to the topic,” explained Michele Dal Farra, president of the trade fair organisation, at the press conference presenting Horeca 2023. “We have a close collaboration with Veneto Lavoro, which will occupy its own space at the fair. It is a matter of facilitating an active dialogue with companies, also to understand the needs of workers between now and the next season and then be able to give concrete answers by trying to build an offer that can bring workers to the area. Veneto Lavoro will be present in a structured manner for the entire duration of Horeca and will provide support to operators, who will also be able to open a specific personnel search position’.
In addition to the focus on labour and manpower, Horeca 2023 will also focus on a number of specific workshops and masterclasses, with the collaboration of Aibes (the Italian barmen association), Confcommercio del Veneto (with Fipe, the Italian federation of public traders), Confcooperative Belluno and Treviso, Ais (the Italian sommelier association), and Amira (the association of Italian maître restaurants and hotels).

Thanks to its vast network of collaborations, Horeca 2023 will also be the venue for two special awards. On the opening day, space will be given to ‘The Land of Venice – Food Excellence’, the recognition of restaurateurs of excellence in the Veneto region singled out by Italy’s leading gastronomic guides. On the second day there will be the award ceremony for the ‘Maître of the Year’ competition.
“Food Excellence, organised by Fipe Veneto, is a great initiative aimed at enhancing not only the restaurants and the raw materials they express, but also the exaltation of the territories that the catering activities manage to play,” explained Luca Dal Poz, director of Ascom Confcommercio Belluno. “In addition to this, we will be proposing a seminar on inclusiveness and accessibility, fundamental themes for a territory that will host the Olympics and Paralympics. Lastly, the third Confcommercio initiative, the official presentation of the Its tourism path, which will be launched in the coming weeks’.

After Horeca, the theme of tourism will also be addressed by Dolomiti Show, a well-established event that will be revived this year thanks to the synergy between the I buoni motivi agency and Longarone Fiere Dolomiti. Once again the Buy Veneto Speciale Montagna, the meeting between buyers and sellers in the sector promoted by the Veneto Region, will be proposed. “This year there will be 20 buyers from the five continents,” explains Mauro Topinelli, creator of Dolomiti Show. “And because we want to leave an indelible mark on them, we are bringing them to Villa Gaggia. That will be the location of the meeting, one of the most important caskets of history and architecture in the Belluno area’.

Giant photographs of the world’s most beautiful mountains are being set up at the entrance to the Fair, bearing the Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi Foundation logo. “This is how our collaboration continues, to tell the territory to those who come to the fair,” explained Elisa Calcamuggi, marketing manager of the Fondazione Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi. “Longarone Fiere is one of the most important tools for telling and promoting the territory.


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