Nature Fishing Hunt: the naturalistic camera trapping contest named after “Bepi Tormen” awarded

“With the help of camera trapping, Bepi was able to carry out numerous scientific researches and thus monitor wild animals such as wolves, wild cats, but also eagle owls, golden eagles and many others in the Province of Belluno. Bepi was for many years the promoter of a naturalistic association, the Natura Bellunese Group, and held the position of president for eight years. In recent years we have always collaborated with the hunting, fishing and nature event with various naturalistic popular themes. Last of all was the exhibition by the CAI Grandi Predatori of the return of the bear, the lynx, the wild cat, the jackal and above all the wolf. He has also been involved in recovering injured birds of prey for over 40 years, collaborating with the Province, obtaining good results for their release, and also providing advice in various forms at a naturalistic level ”. So was Bepi’s wife, Silvana De Col, while a selection of spectacular videos was shown, made over many years by Bepi with the help of camera traps.

Judging the photos and videos sent by the participants an exceptional jury composed of, Silvana De Col, President and wife of Bepi Tormen, Damiano Tormen, Secretary and director of the magazine of naturalistic studies “Frammenti”, Silvia Tormen, daughter of Bepi, Cristina Busatta, Director of the Ethnographic Museum of the Province of Belluno in Seravella and Franco De Bon, Provincial Councilor of Belluno with responsibility for Hunting and Fishing.

The award for the best photo was won by Enzo Tona, depicting the encounter between a deer and a wild boar in Chies d’Alpago, with the following motivation: “For the happy naturalness of the shot that documents an unusual encounter between a deer and a wild boar, immortalized in a moment of hesitation between the two animals that came into contact “.

While the award for the best video went to Riccardo Deon who shoots a group of wild boars in Borgo Valbelluna, with the following motivation: “For the exceptional quality of the images with which the video immortalizes a group of wild boars – adults and children together – drink from a pool of water. The naturalistic documentary shot well represents not only the composition of the herd, but also some moments of the everyday life of the relationship between various age groups “.

A special mention also for the videos of Christian Campus, with the subject of the passage of a herd of mouflons, and Emanuele Sacchet, with the subject of a family of chamois.

Each winner was awarded a professional 4k camera trap, offered by the Hunting Districts of the province of Belluno, the complete series of the naturalistic magazine “Frammenti” and consisting of 11 issues, thanks to the Provincial Administration of Belluno and accompanied entry to all the next fairs of 2022 organized by Longarone Fiere Dolomiti. For the Fair, the greetings of Chiara Bortolas of the Board of Directors, who wanted to underline how Silvana Da Col’s husband was “a man of science, a great naturalist, who really loved the Belluno area and knew, through his research and with camera trapping, identify, follow and document numerous wild species in our province “.

All the main moments of Caccia, Pesca e Natura 2022 are available on


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