Professionals, Students and Companies protagonists in the second day of Re-Costruire Virtual 2022

Longarone, 25 February 2022. The second day of Re-Costruire Virtual 2022 opened this morning, under the aegis of the European Commission as EU Industry Days, with the conference organized in collaboration with the CUP Belluno on “Safe Work in Construction “. In the greetings “The Ri-Costruire fair – explains the president of Longarone Fiere Dolomiti, Gian Angelo Bellati – is an opportunity not to promote further overbuilding, but to promote reconstruction, renovation, the use of renewable energy and sustainable materials “. The construction sector, in fact, is fully involved and requires, as Giancarlo Caratti pointed out yesterday, close collaboration between the public and private sectors.

The greetings also of Dr. Marina Calderone, National President of the Permanent Unitary Committee of Professional Orders and Colleges, in a video specially made for this meeting, addressing in particular the many workers from Eastern Europe, in this sad scenario of war. “We want to make the world of work more welcoming for all workers,” says Calderone, looking at the construction sector, where the number of employees has increased, but also the number of accidents at work, including fatalities. Introducing and moderating the speakers, the President of the CUP Belluno, Innocenzo Megali: “With this union of objectives and forces we try to make a common front and discuss issues that interest everyone”. The interventions of the inspection bodies such as INAIL, Spisal and the Territorial Labor Inspectorate are also important.

Great space for schools and the testimonies of the younger generations. The CFS Belluno Vocational Training Center, which trains over 120 young people with the qualification of construction technician, electrical technician and thermo-hydraulic technician, has launched, as the first in Italy, an experiment in the field of site digitization. In particular, explains Director Danilo De Zaiacomo, “the digitization of the construction site is necessary to connect the construction site, the company, the suppliers, the workers, connecting different professionals in order to build better”. The CFS also presents the High Specialization Path on the use of machines “Technical management and maintenance of operating machines”, with 400 hours in the classroom and laboratory for mechanical and electronic management and maintenance, in collaboration with ENAIP. The Training Center strongly believes in school-work alternation and has found a valid partner in the Infominds Spa company in Bressanone. Mauro Pastore, digital consultant at the company, explains that the digitalization development project within the CFS of Belluno is an experiment to digitize processes in the construction sector and in the construction supply chain. “With the software it is possible not only to carry out tasks, but also to share information with all operators and actors on the construction site”, contributing to the speeding up of processes and favoring the archiving of data in a systematic manner. Angelo, a pupil of class IV of the Institute, says that the app developed and tested on the construction site by the young people in his class, is able to facilitate work on the construction site and considers it an important tool that the school makes available to keep pace with the times. “This tool – continues Director De Zaiacomo – testifies how digital training is indispensable and young people are testimonials of the new tools of the future in construction”. Another valid partner of the school is the company Mela Works srl, represented by Emanuele Zamponi, who illustrates the program used by the students during the internships and that the CFS would like to implement also during the training courses. Mela is a platform for the digitization of construction sites has an interface for mobile and one for desktop, easily usable both from the office and on site.

Also important are the testimonies of some companies, including Keralpen, a leading company in the production and optimization of the Traditional Tyrolean Stove. “The company – underlines the owner Bruno Schiocchet – is also equipped with an energy research laboratory for the rapid drying of biomass, one of the key processes for using wood like any other fuel”. Keralpen also believes that it is essential to invest in the use of catalysts to break down the remains of fine powders. In essence, it is necessary to invest in this research to increasingly free Italy’s energy future from foreign resources and international crises. But it also pays attention to the use of materials with unique properties that are increasingly difficult to find, such as lithium minerals, often wasted for minor uses. Finally, G&P Intech also intervened, with Vincenzo De Martino, a company specialized in the sector of structural consolidation and seismic adaptation with particular reference to composite materials.

Last appointment, the conference of the CUP Belluno dedicated to Superbonus and Bonuses in construction 2022. President Megali underlines 2022, because we are talking about the state of affairs, in terms of clarity and immediate support for professionals. The intervention of the P.I. Alessandro Bianchet, while, representing the Order of Chartered Accountants, Dr. Paolo De Biasio. Complete the scenario with some examples made and concluded, the architect. Giampaolo Zanon.

The virtual edition of Re-construct 2022 closes with a cycle of undoubtedly interesting meetings that bring young people and companies together, with a view to working more and more together for a greener and more digital future.

All events are available for free “On Demand” on the Ri-Costruire Virtual 2022 portal:

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