Shrove Tuesday: grand finale with floats in Conegliano, Treviso and Cornuda

Tomorrow, Shrove Tuesday, the last three parades of the event organised by the association chaired by Redo Bezzo: 19 allegorical floats and masked groups in the main town, 16 in the traditional Cima Carnival now in its 30th year. Appointment also in Cornuda where the Pro Loco organises the final day of the 117th Carneval dei Crostoi

Treviso is preparing for the return of the allegorical floats to the city. And Conegliano and Cornuda are also ready to welcome the parade of papier-mâché giants. Tomorrow, the magic of Carnival will experience its most eagerly awaited day: the countdown begins for a Mardi Gras that has been missing for some time and promises contents to be remembered.

TREVISO – The last Carnival parade, in Treviso, was staged on 5 March 2019. Tomorrow, finally, the return to the track with a great Carnival parade involving a total of 19 floats and masked groups. The parade will start from Piazzale Burchiellati at 2.30 pm. The Walls will form the long natural grandstand that will accompany the floats as far as the entrance to Borgo Cavour. From here, the procession will head towards Via Canova, ending in Piazza Duomo after a journey of a couple of kilometres that promises to be a blaze of music and masks, confetti and streamers. The jury of quality, called upon to elect the best float, will have a first station along the walls, where the voice of the speaker will be that of Paolo Mutton. A second stage, in Piazza Duomo, with speaker Mattia Casarin, will instead host the final awards ceremony. The best float will be awarded with a crystal trophy engraved by the master of art Marco Varisco, president of a quality jury that will be composed of directors, sculptors, and artists of various genres. It will be up to them to judge the choreography, the harmony of the group and the float in its workmanship.

Among the protagonists of Carnival 2023 are also the guests of the Israa facilities: in fact, thanks to the willingness of President Mauro Michelon and the operators, more than one hundred elderly people from the rest homes will be able to enjoy the Carnival spectacle from a stage positioned in Piazzale Burchiellati. First to move is the Gruppo Folkloristico Trevigiano with the Carnival King. Then it will be the turn of the Onda Azzurra Majorettes from Jesolo. They will be followed by the Pro Loco Sant’Angelo – Circolo NOI San Trovaso float (“Re Leone”), the Gruppo Scuola Ballo EM Energia in Movimento Nervesa (“Ne balliamo di tutti i colori”), the “Carta Canta” group from Conscio di Casale sul Sile (“Carta Canta”), the “Viva el paron dei peri” group from Casella d’Asolo (“Le geishe”), the San Giuseppe youth float (“I paciocconi del Far West”), the Amici di Merlengo float (“Dal passato al presente: a journey into the overwhelming past”), the Contrada Santa Lucia Castagnole float (“Candy Landia”), the L’allegra compagnia Porcellengo float (“Medusa”), the La gang di Ponte Crepaldo float (“La banda delle bende”), the “Pochi ma boni” Trevignano float (“I venessiani in gondoea”), the Noi di Sala float (“Nel blu dipinto di blu”), the float I ragazzi del Basso Piave (‘Ca’ Fornera fa i 90′), the Gruppo dell’Allegria di Maserada sul Piave (‘Ricominciamo dalle favole’), the float I Ragazzi degli anni ’80 (‘Bestia che bella’), the group Simpatia Musestre (‘L’America di Trump’), the group Amici di Quarto d’Altino (‘L’unione fa la forza’) and the float Amici del Carnevale Roncade (‘Nettuno dio del mare’). The parade of floats will be broadcast live on Antenna Tre.

CONEGLIANO – After the success of the weekend’s shows, the 30th edition of the Conegliano Carnival concludes tomorrow with the traditional parade of floats that, starting at 2.30 p.m., accompanied by the voices of Roberto Biz and Federico Campodall’orto, will run through the streets and squares of the city centre, with the accompaniment of jugglers and acrobats and the distribution of masks and balloons. 16 floats and masked groups will parade. The procession will be opened by the Conegliano Artistic Gymnastics Association (‘Hawaiian Dance’). They will be followed by the Bocca di Strada and Santa Maria parish float (“Julius Caesar and the Romans”), the Carro Alpini-Scuola Materna Sernaglia group (“Acqua”), the Levada Carnival Group of Pederobba (“La mia Africa”), Le Sisters (“La Bella e la bestia”), the Cavolano Youth Group (“Il Turboacquario”), the Pro Loco Fiume in festa (“Una gabbia di matti”), the Frenesy dance school (“I meravigliosi anni ’80”), the Teste Matte di Pravisdomini (“Il vascello fantasma”), the Gruppo Parrocchia CER Soligo (“The Looney Tunes”), the Comitato Festeggiamenti San Rocco (“Sonic”), the Oratorio San Giovanni Bosco di Annone Veneto (“Un viaggio a Malta”) the group Amici di Susegana (“Far West”), the Parrocchiale di Nervesa della Battaglia float (“Il ritorno di Re Carnevale”), the Carnevale Insieme Falzè-Signoressa group (“Madre Natura”) and the Fon Fierun Corbanese group (“In viaggio con la regina”).

CORNUDA – A parade of allegorical floats, on the afternoon of Shrove Tuesday, also in Cornuda, where the Pro Loco has organised the 117th Carneval dei Crostoi, four days of festivities that began on Saturday and will culminate tomorrow with the procession of the papier-mâché giants (departure at 2.30pm) and, in the evening (at 7pm), with a great fireworks display.

All updates on the progress of the Carnevali di Marca parades are available at and on the association’s social channels.


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