The green and digital transition in production realities at “Rebuilding 2022” – Longarone Fiere

The President of Longarone Fiere Dolomiti, Gian Angelo Bellati underlines the importance of this edition which “will have not only local, not only national, but also European visibility”.

Longarone Fiere Dolomiti as usual restarts with Re-Costruire, and will do so online on 24 and 25 February with five very important online meetings, before the edition in the presence of 8-9-10 April.

President Gian Angelo Bellati explains that “Longarone Fiere Dolomiti has proposed and obtained by the European Commission to include this virtual fair event within the so-called Local Events of the Commission. That is, moments of confrontation between the European Commission and the business world at the local level. Because the Commission wants to understand directly from the business world what are the particularly important issues, the particularly felt needs and try to transfer this informative feedback from the territory to the institutions: a fair that also wants to be a spokesperson for what are the needs of our companies towards European institutions “.

It will therefore begin on Thursday 24 February at 3.00 pm with the conference entitled “the role of the green and digital transition in production realities” and which will be opened by the President of the Province of Belluno, Roberto Padrin. The Veneto Region and UNCEM are also involved with the President Marco Bussone. Initial interventions to demonstrate that local authorities want to dialogue with institutions at national and European level. A technical table will follow which “will be held – continues Bellati – by a representative of the European Commission, Giancarlo Caratti. For many years at the head of an important sector of the Directorate-General for Research, which will talk to us about the implications of the Green Deal and therefore of European environmental policy with particular reference to the construction sector, but not only. Agriculture is also interested in building. So put together the green deal and be able to understand what its effects are on the production world in general, with particular attention to green building, energy saving and sustainability “.

There will be interventions by the Belluno Trade Associations, historically partners of Re-Costruire and at the forefront in supporting companies and the production world. The President Massimo Sposato of Appia CNA, the President Claudia Scarzanella of Confartigianato and the President of the Building Constructors Section Paolo De Cian for ANCE – Confindustria Belluno Dolomiti will then bring their requests.

MEPs Hon. Rosanna Conte and Hon. Paolo De Castro and the parliamentarians of the Belluno area. Finally we will have the CUP of Belluno with the President Innocenzo Megali. Also expected are the director of the Region for Construction Alvise Lucchetta, the Ater of Belluno and the Councilor Franco Frison of the Municipality of Belluno.

The next day – Friday 25 February – will be very important for those who deal specifically with construction. Therefore, in particular, the professional orders that with the Permanent Unitary Committee of Belluno organize two conferences, valid for training credits. In the morning they will deal with “Safe work in construction”, while in the afternoon with “Superbonus and Construction bonuses in 2022”.

Still divided between morning and afternoon, two meetings that will involve both young people and training with CFS of Belluno, and companies interested in the many areas involved in the Mountain Home System. The first on “today’s critical issues and tomorrow’s commitments for the future of Europe” and then on “the state of the art in terms of sustainability, energy saving and digital innovation”.

“A dialogue with companies in the construction sector, and not only, who have accepted to participate to bring their ideas, their proposals, their criticisms, their needs and which will then be collected by us and presented to the European institutions . So we are talking about a Rebuilding fair that will have not only local, not only national, but also European visibility ”concludes Bellati.

In all events there will be the opportunity to interact both for those who will intervene directly within the digital platform, and for all those who want to watch free live streaming on the Re-Costruire Virtual Online platform: https: //


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