Caorle. Celebrations for Our Lady of the Angel – 22 and 23 July

On the second weekend in July, Caorle recalls its historical/religious traditions in honour of the Madonna dell’Angelo. This is an ancient maritime tradition and perhaps one of the most heartfelt events of the summer in Caorle.

On Saturday, 22 July, there will be the evocative procession of the statue of the Madonna dell’Angelo from its sanctuary on the sea promontory to the Cathedral, with the burning of the Bell Tower at 10 pm. The burning of the Bell Tower is a very ancient rite that is lost in the mists of time and takes place in the middle of the summer season, during the period of great heat.

The celebrations will then end on the evening of Sunday 23rd with the return to the sanctuary of the effigy of the Madonnina much loved by the ‘Caorlotti’.

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