MIG Longarone’s initiatives for the European Day of Artisanal Ice Cream

Friday, March 24 marks the 11th edition of the European Day of Artisanal Ice Cream, established by the European Parliament on July 5, 2012 with the approval of a document, still extremely topical, that interprets the main trends in consumption and food choices.

Longarone Fiere Dolomiti is proud that this important initiative, conceived in 2008 on the occasion of MIG – Mostra Internazionale del Gelato Artigianale, now shared by an increasing number of Associations and Institutions of the gelato world, has reached this important milestone.
We believe that the decision of the European Parliament should be a source of great pride for ice cream makers who see how the fruit of their labor – artisanal ice cream – is the only agri-food product that has been given this coveted recognition. The European Artisanal Gelato Day is, therefore, an important occasion to promote artisanal gelato and an opportunity for gelato makers to launch the new season by involving their customers.
Longarone Fiere Dolomiti – MIG Mostra Internazionale del Gelato Artigianale, invites all Gelato Makers to join the initiatives called by ARTGLACE for Day by displaying the appropriate poster, preparing “Apfelstrudel” ice cream, the official 2023 flavor proposed by Austria and participating in the Video Contest.

Sunday, March 12 – Valdobbiadene (TV) Antica Fiera di San Gregorio

As per tradition, once again this year artisan ice cream will be present on Sunday, March 12 at the official opening of the Antica Fiera di San Gregorio in Valdobbiadene, at the center of the UNESCO site of the Prosecco Hills of Conegliano Valdobbiadene. As a preview of the Day on March 24, there will be a presentation of the European Day of Artisanal Gelato with a tasting of “Apfelstrudel” ice cream, the official flavor of Gelato Day 2023, and, of course, Prosecco Superiore ice cream prepared by Bruno Da Dalt of the Boutique del Gelato in Valdobbiadene and Marco Reato of Gelateria Gimmy in Feltre, winner of the last edition of the “Gelato al Prosecco Superiore” contest.

Thursday, March 23 Hotel Ca’ Sagredo Venice

The official celebration of the European Day of Artisan Gelato in Veneto is organized by VenicePromex and Longarone Fiere in Venice with the support of the Veneto Region.
The event will take place on March 23, from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hotel Ca’Sagredo, Campo Santa Sofia, precisely in Venice.

After institutional greetings and illustration of the significance of the European Day of Artisanal Gelato by the president of Longarone Fiere Dolomiti, Michele Dal Farra, the president of Venicepromex, Mario Pozza, and the Veneto Region, speeches are scheduled by:

  • Stefano Polato, Chef curator of bonus food for European astronauts and member of the Health Chef ® Scientific Committee
  • Daniele Nucci, Dietitian, health researcher, Veneto Oncological Institute IOV-IRCCS and member of Health Chef ® Scientific Committee
  • Maurizio Valguarnera, Vegan Ice-Chef and research and development officer in collaboration with the University of Palermo
  • Alessandro Piccinini, MIG Longarone 2023 organizational manager.
    This will be followed by the awarding of prizes to some historic ice cream parlors in the Veneto region.
    A light lunch will conclude the meeting where there will be the opportunity to taste the ice cream “Apfelstrudel” official flavor of the European Artisan Gelato Day 2023.

Friday, March 24 – Longarone on the occasion of AGRIMONT

Continuing a tradition begun on March 24, 2014, this year Longarone Fiere Dolomiti, in collaboration with the Associazione Bellunesi nel Mondo, will again award the prize dedicated to the memory of Ivano Pocchiesa, a journalist, from 1990 to 1995 head of the Longarone Fiere press office and author of articles and books on ice cream.
The prize is awarded to Michelangelo Corazza, from Valle di Zoldo, a writer and former ice cream maker in Vienna, who for years with his publications – such as the recent book “Gelato and Ice Cream Makers of Val di Zoldo and Zoppè di Cadore” – has promoted the traditions of the area and enchanted readers thanks to his great humanity and inner richness that manifests itself in uplifting recollections of people, places, episodes, and insights that have dotted his life.
This will be followed by the anthropologist, Dr. Jolanda Da Deppo, a member of the working group that carried out the historical ethnographic research preparatory to the establishment of the Museum of Ice Cream and Ice Cream Makers in Val di Zoldo, the illustration of the salient features of this work that led, for the first time in Italy, to the official inclusion of ice cream in an inventory of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage.
This achievement is also crucial for the purposes of a possible UNESCO recognition of the work of the ice cream maker.
In this regard will speak, Giancarlo Timballo, a leading executive of the industry association and president of the World Cup of Ice Cream, who will illustrate precisely the UNESCO candidacy initiative for the work of the ice cream maker whose path has recently begun.
At the end, the young ice cream makers-Carolina Da Rold of Gelateria La Sorbettiera in Belluno and Marco Reato of Gelateria Gimmy in Feltre-who represented the Province of Belluno well at Casa San Remo during the recent Song Festival will receive a certificate from Longarone Fiere Dolomiti and will have those present taste the “Apfelstrudel” ice cream, the official flavor of European Artisan Gelato Day 2023.


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