MIG2023: Ice cream business. Which school?

Among the in-depth discussions planned for the next MIG – International Exhibition of Artisan Gelato (Longarone BL, 26-29 November 2023) will be the theme of the recognition of the gelato profession and its qualification.

‘The Gelato Profession: Which School? This is a topic we have been debating for at least 15 years,’ stresses the president of Longarone Fiere Dolomiti, Michele Dal Farra, ‘as the gelato maker is still not included among the professional figures, let alone in the qualifications of vocational education and training courses.

The school courses that come closest to meeting these expectations are certainly those with a hotel and catering address, but even in this case, apart from general culture subjects, there is no correspondence for ice cream making in didactic programmes and technical laboratory equipment that would allow for the acquisition of the knowledge necessary for a qualified insertion in the labour market, whether self-employed or employed. For this reason, in the awareness that the ice cream sector too, due to the evolution that has characterised it and the professional outlets it offers, deserves adequate attention in school curricula, Longarone Fiere Dolomiti proposes this discussion at MIG 2023 during which the topic will be addressed not only with the categories of the artisan ice cream supply chain, but also with national and regional professional training managers. Experiences gained in Italy will also be compared and, above all, possible ways to concretely achieve the objective will be explored.


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