Valdobbiadene, Antica Fiera di San Gregorio: final preparations for the 2024 edition

The Antica Fiera di San Gregorio, which will take place in Valdobbiadene from March 9 to 11, 2024, is preparing for a new record edition.

The 2024 program of one of the oldest fair events in the province of Treviso was illustrated today to the press at the Bacchus Room of the Val D’Oca Winery – Cantina Produttori di Valdobbiadene

After the greeting of Stefano Gava, director of the Cantina Produttori, who wanted to emphasize “it is always a pleasure to host here with us the presentation of a Fair such as San Gregorio, a reason for aggregation and confrontation that perpetuates a tradition that is also a fundamental binder for our territory,” the program got to the heart of the matter.

“The topics this year are many, a sign of a fair that grows year by year as also acknowledged by the recent presentation we had the opportunity to make in Venice, guests of the Veneto Regional Council together with the “Fair of Ornamental Plants and Floriculture Products” in Bessica di Loria. – stressed the Mayor of Valdobbiadene, Luciano Fregonese – The San Gregorio event, therefore, has become a reference point for the agricultural and wine sector in particular but also for Small Local Productions, tourism and landscape protection.

During these 4 days of the event, the Fair will show how much the actors in the area, synergistically, are doing and planning for the future. A collaboration that is bearing fruit, as recounted by the data communicated by the Veneto Region: in 2023, compared to 2022, there was a +10% increase in employment and a +25% increase in tourist presences, a growth that we must know how to manage, each for his own role. And to meet the many requests that have arrived in recent years, we have decided to further expand the exhibition spaces and increase the days of the Fair, opening as early as Friday evening with the Luna Park, street food and stores on the downtown streets open with musical entertainment, and the Fair proper starting as early as Saturday morning. Finally, on Sunday at the former factory there will be the inauguration of the multimedia landscape model, a project started as the Municipality of Valdobbiadene that in the coming will grow to represent the entire Docg area. A project that will create the largest multimedia model in Italy of a Unesco landscape that once completed will measure 10 x 7 meters (scale 1: 3,333); the whole will be animated by three-dimensional projections that can be themed from time to time. A working ‘tool’ that will also allow for practical comparison on the ground.”

Confirmed, for the inauguration on Sunday, March 10, the presence of Governor Luca Zaia, as well as Honorable Members of Parliament, Senators, regional authorities and many Mayors, testifying to a closeness that continues even after the difficulties that local administrators have experienced in recent years.

Rich, as always, the program of the Antica Fiera di San Gregorio, illustrated by Pierantonio Geronazzo, deputy mayor of Valdobbiadene: “It will be an edition that will go well beyond expectations with more than 300 exhibitors already confirmed; entertainment will also be important, both that during the fair, with shows as early as Friday night, continuing on Saturday night with the great concert of Sir Oliver Skardy of Pitura Freska; Sunday will be the scene of ballroom dancing with the Caramel and the folk group El Canfin. Animation will also go beyond the days of the fair thanks to the collaboration of trade associations that will give rise to important conferences on different topics such as agriculture, tourism and urban regeneration.”

On Tuesday, March 5, in fact, technical meetings will open with the conference “Cultivating Safety in the Vineyard and Cellar – Legislation and Practical Approaches for a Culture of Safety on the Farm,” by Cia, Coldiretti and Confagricoltura.

“The conference that we are going to carry out as trade associations,” explained Oriano Bonet of Coldiretti Treviso, “will focus on a very important topic for the sector, safety in agriculture, dealing with the regulations in detail. Very important to emphasize is the collaboration between our main associations Cia, Coldiretti and Confagricoltura, which underlines the willingness to work as a system.”

“I think the main thing to emphasize about this project is the great teamwork between associations,” continued Salvatore Feletti of Cia Treviso, “for a conference that will talk about safety, a fundamental requirement for companies. The territory benefits from this synergy, a collaborative attitude that is part of the farming tradition that made these lands grow.”

“The fair of St. Gregory is the most important festival for these territories,” then concluded Franco Adami of Confagricoltura Treviso, “an incredible moment of confrontation that takes place in the square, there where the needs of the sector must be received and transformed into proposals. It is a fair so strongly rooted in our culture that it was, for past generations, the most important holiday after Christmas and Easter. It can still grow, becoming the specialized fair for heroic agriculture, and this is what we need to work on together even as trade associations to be able to communicate our culture and look to the future with serenity.”


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