Viticoltori Ponte and the Clown Doctors together for a smile

Ponte di Piave, June 2023. In recent days the historic winery hosted at its headquarters in
Ponte di Piave the representatives of the Compagnia dell’Arpa a Dieci Corde to celebrate the success
of the ‘25.12’ operation, a magnum of Prosecco Doc Extra Dry Organic made last December in a limited edition for charity.
limited edition for charity purposes.
The General Manager of Viticoltori Ponte Luigi Vanzella presented the Association with a cheque for
two thousand euro proceeds from the sale of the special Christmas bottle created to support the activities of this
wonderful group of clown doctors that for twenty years has been giving emotions and good humour to those most in need, in hospitals
need, in hospitals, where a smile is really worth a lot.
The donation will be used by the association for a training course structured according to the guidelines of
Fnc – Federazione Nazionale Clown Dottori.
“25.12” is yet another charity initiative successfully concluded by Viticoltori Ponte that has always, with its
1,000 members, makes ethics and cooperation the cornerstones of its work.

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