Ponte di Piave, June 2023. In recent days, the historic winery hosted at its headquarters in Ponte di Piave the representatives of the Compagnia dell’Arpa a Dieci Corde to celebrate the success of the ‘25.12’ operation, a magnum of Prosecco Doc Extra Dry Organic made last December in a limited edition for charity.
The General Manager of Viticoltori Ponte Luigi Vanzella presented the Association with a cheque for
two thousand euro proceeds from the sale of the special Christmas bottle created to support the activities of this wonderful group of clown doctors that for twenty years has been giving emotions and good humour to those most in need, in hospitals need, in hospitals, where a smile is really worth a lot.
The donation will be used by the association for a training course structured according to the guidelines of Fnc – Federazione Nazionale Clown Dottori.
“25.12” is yet another charity initiative successfully concluded by Viticoltori Ponte that has always, with its
1,000 members, makes ethics and cooperation the cornerstones of its work.
It all began on 2 October 2002, in a palindrome year and on the day on which we celebrate the Guardian Angel Saints, when four friends Lorenzo, Rita, Martina and Sara succeeded in realising a common dream: to wear the smallest mask in the world, the smallest mask in the world, the red nose, in social, solidarity, health, educational and pedagogical contexts.
Thus was born the ‘Compagnia dell’Arpa a Dieci Corde’, a voluntary association that through the clown doctor a bizarre figure dressed in a coloured coat and very discreet clown make-up, was the first to enter the Burlo Garofolo Children’s Hospital.
Burlo Garofolo Children’s Hospital in Trieste, mainly to alleviate the fears of children, but not only.
Many years have passed since then.
In 2005 the Company, meanwhile, founded with other Associations in Italy, the Federazione Nazionale Clown Doctors, out of the need to go beyond mere improvisation, and define a serious and common training, planned and with a further chimera: to professionalise the fgure of the clown doctor over time.
At the same time, the volunteers within the organisation have changed, the number of people has increased and their skills and competences have increased. They now work in a variety of contexts and are increasingly aware that a smile is a very serious thing to be used with appropriateness, moderation and care, after carefully listening to the other person, especially if the other person is fragile or in diffuculty.
The objective is not to show off personal circus arts, or exceptional theatrical skills to enhance the ego
of the individual (by the way, we always work in pairs, never individuals!), but the transformation of difficult situations and environments into something ‘magical’ and, above all, the aim is that the whole thing lingers in the emotional memory of those present. They say that the humanisation of care is the winning weapon in the process not so much of healing but rather of caring for each other to give quality time! They are right!
Founded in 1948, based in Ponte di Piave in the province of Treviso, it is one of the most dynamic and important realities of the international wine scene. It represents 1,000 members, with 3,000 hectares of vineyards, extending from the north of Venice to the foothills of the province of Treviso, and around 20 million bottles produced every year.
Present in more than 30 countries around the world, Viticoltori Ponte guarantees for the entire range of its wines – from still to from still to sparkling, from sparkling to organic – a high standard of quality certified and testified to by the numerous recognitions received from the most authoritative players in the sector.
One of the cornerstones of the winery is the importance of biodiversity as an essential element of the earth’s habitat and for this reason increasing resources are being devoted to the implementation of sustainable, nature-friendly viticulture.
The use of renewable energy sources, knowledge of and respect for the different soils, the selection of vines for the enhancement of the terroir and monitoring of the vineyard ecosystem are the starting point and the key to obtaining excellent results while minimising environmental impact.