Viticoltori Ponte bets on TikTok

The Treviso-based company is among the very first in the wine sector to invest in the platform capable of reaching the hearts of millennials.

Ponte di Piave, 22 September 2022. Far-sighted, dynamic and always avant-garde, Viticoltori Ponte, a winery with 20 million bottles sold every year all over the world, is not afraid of challenges.

Today’s frontier is called TikTok, an increasingly popular social network that in a very short time has become the perfect stage for interacting with the new generations. How does it work? In practice, it allows its users to make short videos ranging from one theme to another, with the ability to add unique filters and effects by editing them directly on the platform. The most downloaded app since the beginning of the year worldwide, in 2022 it has surpassed 3.5 billion downloads since it was available on the market.

A huge audience to which Viticoltori Ponte presents itself with the account @ ponte1948, opened a few days ago and already with good feedback. The first contents belong to the edutainment category (educational fun) and are clips of about 15 seconds during which the company itself, through the faces and voices of its employees, reveals in a simple and informal way the foundations of wine culture. The profile will be gradually enriched by always new pills that will offer multiple curiosities and ideas related to the world of wine and its secrets.

TikTok is yet another milestone in Ponte’s social development path, already successfully present on Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.


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