Why Treviso is called “La Marca Gioiosa et Amorosa”

The concept of Marca Trevigiana has taken on different territorial meanings over time: initially, it referred to the eastern part of the Marca of Verona, then to the western part of the Marca of Friuli, eventually encompassing the territory of the free city of Treviso. It was in the 1200s that Marca Trevigiana was called “Marca Gioiosa et Amorosa,” during a period of significant political, economic, and cultural splendor.

Specifically, it was called “Gioiosa” (joyful) because the Marca was experiencing a time of great prosperity and stability, with cities active in trade, craftsmanship, and political life. These factors contributed to an atmosphere of well-being and development, making the region a hub of lively economic and social activity. On the other hand, “Amorosa” (loving) referred to a tradition of courtesy and chivalry, linked to courtly love, which was widespread in the noble courts of the time—a refined behavior that emphasized the values of ideal love, loyalty, and generosity.

Therefore, “Gioiosa et Amorosa” expressed the idea of a fertile and rich land, not only in material wealth but also in culture, elevated social relations, and a tradition of courtesy and nobility.

© Marcadoc editorial team | 08/09/2024

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