Mogliano Veneto is located in the southern part of the Province of Treviso. It is located on the Mestre-Treviso route in the plain between the foothills of the Alps and the Adriatic Sea, in an environment rich in water in all seasons. wet) in reference to the swamps and marshes that once covered the area.
More likely, however, the term derives from the name of a farm of this Molius, of possible Roman origins. The farm, for reasons of distinction, was called by the name of the owner, it was called, in Latin, “praedium Molianum”. The name, for practicality, was simplified into “Molianum”, then taking its present form. From the mid-1500s the nobles and wealthy Venetians who invested their capital in farms felt the need to be present to control the activity of the settlers; They then had splendid residences built in the hinterland, a symbol of their high social position, using the best architects and painters. Many of these villas, which bear the names of the noblest Venetian families, were built on the ancient “Terraglio” road. Some of these followed the economic decline of their owners, others were destroyed or stripped by the war, still others transformed into farmhouses. Those still present evoke even today, albeit in a different context, the classicism and ancient splendor.We remember the most famous villas, among those located in the municipal area of Mogliano Veneto: Villa Condulmer (Zerman), Villa Stucky, Villa Bianchi, Villa Zoppolato , Villa Furlanis, formerly Volpi, Villa Gris, Villa Duodo Trevisanato.In addition to the Villas, religious buildings are also of considerable interest. Among the main ones we must certainly remember the Church of S. Maria Assunta which stands in the center of Mogliano, where, before 1000, a parish church with a baptismal font was built, also dedicated to S. Maria Assunta; the Benedictine Abbey founded in 997 by the bishop of Treviso Rozone, to revive the fate of the territory abandoned by the inhabitants after the invasions of the Hungarians and the parish church of Campocroce which has very ancient origins, one of the first chapels dependent on the Abbey of Mogliano.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TOURIST POLO
In 2009, one hundred thousand visitors Mogliano Veneto boasts the highest number of beds, second only to Treviso, compared to the other large centers of the Marca. of the Lower Treviso area, recorded over 100 thousand tourists, mostly foreigners, who were welcomed in the forty or so hotels, agritourisms and Bed & Breakfasts distributed throughout the territory.Download and print the MiniGuides of the Province of Treviso in PDF:
Guide of Treviso
Guide of Castelfranco Veneto
Guide of Conegliano
Guide of Vittorio Veneto
Guide of Oderzo
Guide of Cison di Valmarino, Follina and surroundings