Treviso’s Tiramisu becomes traditional food product

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry has included Italy’s most popular dessert on the list of Veneto’s P.A.T.

On the eve of the International Day dedicated to the most famous spoon dessert in the world (March 21), Treviso Tiramisu has been included in the list of Traditional Agri-food Products of Veneto by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies.

The original recipe (eggs, sugar, mascarpone, ladyfingers, coffee and cocoa) of Treviso Tiramisu has been included in the ministerial list as a P.A.T. (Traditional Agri-food Product) of Veneto.

“This is an important recognition for the city and for the entire Tiramisu system, with enthusiasts and professionals, those in the industry and food and wine tourism seeing in this way the commitment of hard work carried out in recent years recognized,” said Francesco Redi of Twissen. As Tiramisù World Cup, we are particularly proud to have worked at the forefront in the creation of the dossier that made this success possible. The different interpretations of Tiramisu that we see every year in the competition are giving more and more resonance to the product that has its original version here and continues to be loved and eaten all over the world.”

Thus Paolo Caratossidis, president of the Festival of Venetian Cuisine , which created the entire dossier for the regional specialties: “Veneto is a treasure chest of knowledge and flavors appreciated all over the world, and this recognition rewards the commitment and passion of those who spontaneously worked in managing the dossier and researching the sources. Cucina Veneta is the first “fusion” cuisine in history and represents an exceptional tourism driver for the area, given then the explosion of so-called eno-gastronomic tourism.”

At the press conference held at Le Beccherie in Treviso, Paolo Lai, owner of the restaurant “now considered the ‘mother house’ of Tiramisu, a place that, on the strength of the history and tradition it carries, still manages to attract Italian and foreign tourists coming to the city.”

For Veneto Councillor for Tourism Federico Caner, “this recognition is a piece of the network that has been created around what is an excellence of Treviso and the entire Veneto region. The Tiramisu of Treviso has become the icon in the world, also thanks to the work done by the Tiramisu World Cup. In addition, it is included among the food and wine experiences of our land, precisely those that tourists who come here seek.”

“We are proud of this new recognition that attests to the iconicity and territoriality of the most beloved dessert in the world, the Tiramisu of Treviso – the words of theCouncillor for the Productive City, Rosanna Vettoretti – . We are certain that this additional certification will be a further incentive to protect, divulge and promote a recipe that has been able to conquer the whole world, as moreover witnessed by the event that every year attracts thousands of people including “tiramisu makers” and visitors to the City, the Tiramisu World Cup. On the part of the City Administration there will always be a commitment to promoting events dedicated to this dessert, inextricably linked to our history.”

“The recognition is a great step forward and I can only look back with great satisfaction at this result – Dania Sartorato, president of Confcommercio provincial union of the province of Treviso – . I congratulate Francesco Redi for the great work he has done and the hope is that we can turn this project into a resource for the permanent system. In addition to great satisfaction, I express full support for the initiative.”

To celebrate the achievement together with the many fans, the cookbook that traditionally comes out on Tiramisu Day (and which collects the most curious recipes from the latest edition of the “greediest challenge of the year”) from March 21 can be downloaded for free at the direct link to the Tiramisu World Cup website.

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